At GC Home Inspection, we recognize the importance of a thorough and well-thought-out inspection plan. We surely give our best to inspect all the gritty-nitty aspects of every home we inspect. We certainly take our time to check gutters, exposed electrical wires, outdated electric panels, trimmings, and everything that requires checking. These things are done to ensure that you get to know all the conditions of the home before acting on any decision.
Our services cater to buyers, sellers, agents, brokers, and anyone who would require a home inspection. Take note; home inspections can be done even if you’re not buying or selling a home. A home inspection, after all, is a needed action to ensure your home is safe, secure, protected, and can stand at any season.
Below is a list of our services. If you have questions regarding these, click the service to directly see the page explaining the same. You can also schedule a call with us to see which of our services fit you best: